External Learning Opportunties

Fellows have the opportunity to participate in research collaborations, externships, and other learning experiences with a variety of organizations at Harvard and beyond. These activities are planned through discussion with fellowship faculty and are carefully chosen to align with the professional goals of each fellow. 

Past and present fellows have engaged in learning experiences, research collaborations, education activities, fellowships, and other activities with the following organizations:

External Academic and Non-Profit Organizations



The Journal of Climate Change and Health

Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education

University of Colorado Climate Medicine Program

Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW)

Resilient Mystic Collaborative

Mystic River Watershed Association 

Harvard and BIDMC Centers and Programs

Harvard Chan Center for Climate, Health and the Global Environment (C-CHANGE)

Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University (FXB Center)

Harvard Global Health Institude (HGHI)

Harvard Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability Climate Adapatation in South Asia Research Cluster

BIDMC Fellowship in Disaster Medicine 

BIDMC Fellowship in Infectious Diseases

BIDMC Sustainability Program

BIDMC Office of Emergency Management